Invest in your student's future with an education from Thunderbird Adventist Academy.
We are dedicated to supporting our students and families, ensuring that no family feels they must compromise any part of their child's education to attend a Christian school. Tuition and fees are an investment – one that pays off in achievement, preparation, spiritual formation, lifelong community, and impact across the world.
In Arizona, families are blessed to benefit from multiple tuition assistance options, including School Tuition Organizations (STOs) and Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs). Between these options and others, every TAA family should be able to cover between 40-100% of their out-of-pocket tuition costs. And we are intent on helping families identify the best tuition assistance option for them.
If you have any questions regarding tuition or fees, please reach out to our business office -
Financial Aid Options for TAA Families:
Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA):
In the fall of 2022, Governor Ducey signed legislation that enables every Arizona K-12 student to qualify for ESA. This program is open to all students regardless of income. Students who apply will receive between $4,000 and $7,000. Families who choose to accept the ESA funds cannot accept any STO (School Tuition Organization) scholarships or AAA Scholarships.
Church Subsidy Assistance:
The two-way matching scholarship is available to qualifying students who attend TAA. Families must complete a Financial Aid Application and provide income and tax documents to apply for the discount. The two-way match program comprises matching funds from the student’s home church and Thunderbird Adventist Academy. Family income, family size, dorm or village classification, and additional resources are factors considered. Funds are limited, so early application is important. This scholarship is limited to baptized members of the Arizona Conference. Students must apply at their home church.
Students must submit the Church Subsidy Form to their home church first, once signed by the pastor, contact Mr. Stewart-Tapasco at

School Tuition Organization (STO) Scholarships:
School Tuition Organizations (STOs) allow Arizona taxpayers to direct their state tax dollars to support private school education. This program provides a great opportunity for TAA families to receive financial aid potentially covering most or all of their child's tuition. Families will need to apply with an STO to receive funds. Below are links to our partner STO's, please check their website for applications and deadlines to apply.
Student Employment Opportunities:
Conference Sponsored Summer Employment Program:
The school will match a student’s summer earnings up to $1000 when a student works for a Seventh-day Adventist youth camp or other conference–sponsored summer work program, such as Literature Evangelism.
On-Campus Student Employment Program:
There are limited summer jobs on campus available to students. A willing worker spending 8-12 weeks working will be able to earn a substantial amount toward school expenses.
Please email the business office for more information -